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Mark as best answer

The game has a bug which has been solved on here before, which is that when alt-tabbing out of the game the mouse cursor gets stuck on the top-left corner of the monitor. This can be fixed be replacing the SDL.dll file in the game s folder with an updated version that s available in this thread

It seems like it d be a good idea for Frictional to release a simple patch and have the game come with the updated file instead

12-26-2015 PM.

possie patch

Atomox CreditAttribution: Atomox commented

July 21, 2014 at pm

This is just a guess, but I know when AJAX adding fields are in the picture, Drupal checks the form array to confirm that if a value was passed, the field existed beforehand. This is a security measure, which keeps AJAX from inserting malicious data that was not expected by Drupal. I m seeing this issue via services. Only the first field in any given taxonomy term unlimited field is added via node create. It doesn t matter which valid value is passed, it only adds the first one.

This would explain why bzoo in 13 is only seeing updates work when the fields already exist. I ll bet all the money in my pockets that if bzoo tries editing his node, and adding 2 more fields, that only the first if any new field will be added.

Again, this will occur when you have unlimited selected, but only allow 1 tag/reference/etc per field. This should not happen for multi-select fields, or free tagging.

Watching this one, as I suspect this is a problem with implementing using the Form API. I m hoping I m wrong, as I d love to see a simple fix.